This site contains HIV prevention messages that may not be appropriate for all audiences.

Types of Exposure to HIV
Did you know HIV can live
in a syringe for 42 days?
It can.
Here is a list of exposures:
Accidental needle stick
Condom Breaks
Sexual Assault by someone of an unknown status
Unprotected sex with an HIV+ person with a detectable viral load
People who are HIV+ and have an undetectable viral load cannot transmit HIV. If you have engaged in sex with someone you know is HIV+, you can ask them if they are undetectable or if they have a detectable viral load. If they do not, they cannot transmit it to you!
Get PEP or PrEP
If you are seeking information about Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), which is a medication provided on an emergency basis to prevent HIV after exposure. You must get the medication into your system within 72 hours after exposure for it to work. The closer you get the medication to the time of exposure, the more effective it is. We provide PEP medication and navigation services.
Call us IMMEDIATELY if you have had exposure to HIV.
If you are seeking information about Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), which is medication taken on an ongoing basis to reduce the risk of contracting HIV, please contact Northland Cares at 928-776-4612 for a free consultation.
You can also CLICK HERE to locate your closest PrEP provider.
Weekend & Holiday PEP
Our on-call starts Fridays at 4:30 p.m. and is available until Monday morning at 8:30 a.m.
If you have had direct exposure to HIV, call one of our outreach specialists and they can assist you in accessing PEP medication.
PEP Medication is more effective the closer it is administered to the time of the exposure.
It is important to take the entire prescription, as prescribed for efficacy.